brpop 0.6.0
- Add DataSUS new population estimates (2000 - 2024) source option to all functions
- Improve documentation with timespan estimates of all sources
brpop 0.5.0 (2024-10-17)
- Move data files to Zenodo and use {zendown} package to handle file download. This will keep the package smaller for future CRAN versions.
brpop 0.4.1
- Add IBGE population estimates for 2023 and 2024.
brpop 0.4.0
- Add population estimates from the UFRN-PPGDem-LEPP (2010 to 2030) for sex and age groups.
- Add total municipality population from IBGE estimates, Census and Population Inquiries (2000 to 2022).
- Adopt
for faster computations.
- Documentation revision.
- Function names revision.
brpop 0.3.0 (2023-10-24)
- Bug correction on
: remove duplicated records.
- Add arguments to
functions to use the 449 units health region version.
brpop 0.2.0
- Bug correction on
and regsaude_pop_totals
brpop 0.1.7
- Bug correction on
. Thanks to @filipemsc!
brpop 0.1.6
- New function for health region and sex (
) and small bug fixes.
brpop 0.1.5 (2022-08-18)
- Variables types modification.
brpop 0.1.4
- Bug correction: remove total records from sum on total functions.
brpop 0.1.3
- Add functions for male and female population totals.
brpop 0.1.2
- Add functions for health regions population estimatives.
brpop 0.1.1
- Add functions for UF and municipalities population totals.
brpop 0.1.0 (2022-07-06)
- First release of the package.