1. brclimr::brdwgd_data
    BR-DWGD zonal statistics data
  2. brclimr::terraclimate_data
    TerraClimate zonal statistics data
  3. brpop::datasus_mun_female_pop
    Municipality yearly female population estimates per age group from 2000 to 2021
    spec_tbl_df|2216016 x 4
  4. brpop::datasus_mun_male_pop
    Municipality yearly male population estimates per age group from 2000 to 2021
    spec_tbl_df|2216016 x 4
  5. brpop::ibge_pop
    Municipality population from IBGE estimates, Census and population inquiries from 2000 to 2022
  6. brpop::mun_reg_saude
    Municipality and health region code table
  7. brpop::mun_reg_saude_449
    Municipality and health region (449) code table
  8. brpop::ufrn_mun_female_pop
    Municipality yearly female population estimates per age group, from 2010 to 2030
  9. brpop::ufrn_mun_male_pop
    Municipality yearly male population estimates per age group, from 2010 to 2030
  10. tidyrates::fleiss_data
    Fleiss data
  11. tidyrates::seer_std_pop
    Standard population reference table
  12. tidyrates::selvin_data_1940
    Selvin data, 1940
  13. tidyrates::selvin_data_1960
    Selvin data, 1960
  14. tidyrates::who_std_pop
    Standard population reference table